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what a bummer

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty what a bummer

Post  Guest Sun Jul 04 2010, 00:25

First topic message reminder :

So this'll make you laugh - got called out today on a day off so i jumped at the chance to earn the extra dosh AND get the day back.
So i thought rather than drive to one place to get a car and fight through waddo traffic i'll take the bike
which i did - parked it out the way. Having a happy discussion with a brief when a plod informs me 'at the risk of ruining your evening someone, not me, i don't know who it is, has reversed a police car into your motorbike - its still there and the side stand is up. The only thing holding the bike up is the car so i didn't want to touch it but if the car moves there is likely to be a lot of damage to the bike you might like to check it'

So i did thinking it was a joke - no it wasn't. Some f censored g idiot has reversed a plod car into the bike - which isn't exactly inconspicuous, especially with a flashing rear light from the alarm! luckily i had a disc lock on it which stopped it (after the bike had been moved about 6 inches forward) and when i got there the force had flicked up the side stand, i put it down and it was about 3 inches off the ground - i couldn't move the bike because of the disc lock which wouldn't come off and as he said - the only thing holding it up was the car which had a rather large dent in the boot.

What irritated me even more was the person responsible never reported it to the supervisor which they should have done, and apparently when they checked to see who had the car it was a pcso who had gone home, leaving the car 'parked' in the rear of my bike - they must have spoken to her (bloody typical - it was a woman!) she said she didn't realise she'd done it. I told the Sgt that anyone who'd heard my alarm would've know how crap that statement was plus the fact i couldn't move it - and to add insult to injury i was informed that if she 'sticks to her story' of not knowing she'd done it they can't do anything although he agreed that in his opinion there was no way anyone could've 'parked' the car in the bike like that and not known! I assumed it'd been reversed into and they'd seen it and thought better not move it but no, they did it and left it there and presumably went home. Not only that but she had to walk by it to get round it!


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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  Wild-Kat-Wolf Wed Jul 07 2010, 11:11

Well you know me Suzie, I'm mental loony so you're welcome to Schnarff if you want him..... I've got Lucifer anyway - so I suppose is depends whether you want red or gold/silver/black lol!

Hope the news is good at the weekend - poor Ezzy!! :down: And I hope you've sent the boys round to see the PCSO taz girl_crazy

Fi girl_witch


Number of posts : 734
Registration date : 2008-11-08

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  ellie Wed Jul 07 2010, 12:03

PCSO's....dont you just hate people who think they're something they're not........?

Why pretend to be a copper? why not just apply and become one....???

Im related to several of the boys/girls in blue in Lincs, I'll have a word :lol3:

Ellie nurse

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  Guest Thu Jul 08 2010, 08:51

ellie wrote:

Im related to several of the boys/girls in blue in Lincs, I'll have a word :lol3:

Ellie nurse

Cheers but i doubt there's many that don't know now lol- i was down at Deeping yesterday and the first thing i got when i walked in was 'much damage to the bike'!!! Talk about bush telegraph Shocked

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  ellie Fri Jul 09 2010, 07:27

Cheers but i doubt there's many that don't know now lol-

Well I bet that particular PCSO is pooping herself now then, can't imagine she's very popular...

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  Guest Tue Jul 13 2010, 21:14

well - i reviewed the cctv - and the reason the dozy bint didn't know she'd parked her car in my bike was because she wasn't in it at the time - she parked up and 30 mins later the car rolled backwards down a slope picking up speed went back through the (open) barrier at which point Ezzy bravely sacrificed herself in a bid to prevent said plod car going into the road. Anyway, having been told the bike could be a write=off i had a call from stuart at the garage today wanting to know exactly what happened and what the damage to the car was and then said he had no idea how but the bike appears relatively unscathed when it should be bent inside green smile in fact so convinced is he it shouldn't be ok he is refusing to put it back together and hand her over until Julian gets back tomorrow and gives a second opinion. He kept saying 'i don't understand it' neither do it but who cares Very Happy so, fingers cross julian agrees or else i'll be a really unhappy bunny tomorrow!

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  clarky042 Tue Jul 13 2010, 22:16

Thats possibly great news then really mate , and at least now you know what happened which must make you feel better (if only slightly).

So if she wasn't actually driving it when it happened then she surely must be (at the very least) at fault through being negligent by not securing the handbrake on the vehicle when she parked it up......save for a mechanical failure.

Either way we can hope for the best that Ezzy's gunna pull through for you , she must be stronger than you thought!! keep us posted.


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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  yamahamad Tue Jul 13 2010, 22:38

Hopefully ezzy is good to go suzie. Keep us posted.

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  Guest Sat Jul 17 2010, 22:26

EZZY'S HOME!!! :whoop: clappy sunny great :whoop: girlpower

..... and mightily relieved we both are too - if she hadn't been covered in flies i'd've kissed her! She's not fixed but she's rideable - Julian is doing me an insurance quote this week (and was most apologetic about me being charged £35 for taking her to bits and putting her back together again which, knowing what a censored she is when it gets to the triangle bit at the front and bearing in mind they gave up a day doing all the bits and pieces on her i thought was pretty darn cheap actually, especially when he apologised then said 'or are you not paying today' lol he knows me well i said no - the plod insurance can pay for that as well!) but its a ventura rack and brackets and front/rear side panels (its put cracks in both sides) plus the middle section over the tail light - like he said it's likely to be expensive (well the ventura stuff on its own ain't cheap!) but at least i can ride her in the meantime and i don't have to buy an SV or and ER6 now lol phew ........ plus it means you don't have to listen to me moaning any more shit happens

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  Wild-Kat-Wolf Sat Jul 17 2010, 23:29

Woo hoo - having a drink to celebrate her return for you.... hopefully she'll be back in full order soon with nice shiny new bits to show off to everyone great

Fi girl_witch

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what a bummer - Page 2 Empty Re: what a bummer

Post  Rosco Sat Jul 17 2010, 23:35

Ezzy's Mum! wrote:knowing what a censored she is when it gets to the triangle bit at the front

Yep......we've all been there.

Glad to hear your good news Suzi.

Wild-Kat-Wolf wrote:Woo hoo - having a drink to celebrate her return for you.

Hmmm....Bet you were having one anyway....just a good excuse for a top up.


Last edited by Rosco on Sat Jul 17 2010, 23:38; edited 1 time in total

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